The plants have called us to bring their gift of healing into the world. We are proud and excited to present you with our lifelong dream of creating conscious ceremonial herbal medicines for healing and transformation. All are made from scratch in very small batches with reverence, prayers, positive intentions and high vibrations. We searched just for the purest and finest organic/wild crafted ingredients available, including herbs from our own garden. We teamed up with awesome herbalists to create our own unique formulations, with many formulas inspired by the plants themselves. Womb Healing Balm, True Heart Healing Balm, Body Sprays, Botanical Beauty care, Ceremonial Baths, Postpartum teas and Organic Florida water are just a few of the amazing formulations, now available to be used in your own home to assist you in your own healing, the healing of your family and to purify and protect your space. All of the formulations are a connection to the Spirit of the Amazon to help you pray, heal & provide protection. Each formula has been tested and proven with amazing results. A gift from the Earth and the Spirits of the Plants to help us heal~