Buscando Flores
Moondance - Mexico
He venido aqui buscando flores
He venido aqui buscando cantos
Busco Quetzales de mil colores
Busco alegrias y menos llantos
Heyana, heyana, hey ney yo wey
Como un collar de bellas flores
Como el plumaje de los Quetzales
Como la fruta de mil sabores
Como el humo de los copales
Heyana, heyana, hey ney yo wey
Todo mi vida yo me habia buscado
Y en esta danza yo me he encontrado
Toda mi vida yo me habia buscado
Y en este canto (fuego) yo me he encontrado
Heyana, heyana, hey ney yo wey
I have come here looking for flowers
I have come here looking for songs
I search for Quetzales of a thousand colors
I search for happiness and less crying
Heyana, heyana, hey ney yo wey
Like a necklace of beautiful flowers
Like the feathers of the Quetzal
Like the fruit of a thousand flavors
Like the smoke of the copal
Heyana, heyana, hey ney yo wey
All my life I had searched for myself
And in this dance I have found myself
All my life I had searched for myself
And in this song (fire) I have found myself
Heyana, heyana, hey ney yo wey